Cantos Translations
Cantos Translations is a Lower Manhattan-based communications firm specializing in high quality Chinese and English language translation and interpretation services. Launched in 2015, the business serves clients in law, finance, culture, education, and business, as well as offering non-profits such as the Legal Aid Society, China Institute and New York Asian Film Festival with pro bono translation and interpretation services to help those in need.
To support COVID-19-impacted communities, Cantos arranged the funding of a $50,000 program via IFundWomen to provide grants of $10,000 plus an hour of free legal counseling to five black women-owned businesses. They have also secured donations of over 550 medical-grade masks from clients active in the PPE supply chain for Brooklyn's Downstate Hospital. Additionally, Cantos provided 100 hours of pro bono work to the Life Preservation Initiative (LPI), a coalition of American and Chinese nonprofits that have sourced and donated 1 million masks to 25 local hospitals, 20 nonprofits and 7 first responder units.